On March 28, Kadokawa Joint Stock Company (Japan) introduced the first comic book about Vietnamese football with the title “Son Goal”, created by artist Baba Tamio. The story follows the journey of a boy named Son, whose father is Brazilian and his mother is Vietnamese, along with a group of teenagers and help the team from a weak team to a strong one.
The series also appears many famous places and landscapes of Vietnam. After completion, the publisher wishes, through the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan, to donate 1000 books to Vietnamese children. Sharing with Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Nguyen Vo Huyen Duong, representative of the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) in Japan and a liaison between Kadokawa and Vietnamese partners, said ‘Son Goal ‘ is expected to launch in Vietnam in May this year.
Through the work, N&V Bridge Group and Kadokawa hope that children of the two countries can find joy in sports and better understand teamwork.